Amazing Things Do Happen!

Amazing Things Do Happen!

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Amazing Things Do Happen!: March 2020

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Why we quit working for Joyce Meyer, and left the Word of Faith movement

Paul and Emily, former Joyce Meyer ministry employees, share how they turned to Jesus and the Gospel, and turned away from the Prosperity 'gospel.' Paul wrote a manifesto for Joyce Meyer and her staff, comparing her teachings to Scripture.

You can read the Joyce Meyer Manifesto at

You can contact Paul and Emily at

or through Facebook or Instagram at

The "American Gospel" videos referenced in this interview are available through

"Clouds Without Water" with Justin Peters is on YouTube at:

Paul Washer's Shocking Message is at:

The dark side of Obama's 'Rising Star' exposed

Former Secret Service agent exposes Hillary Clinton

On 'Fox & Friends,' Gary Byrne's book, 'Crisis of Character,' provides an inside look into the Clinton White House

Democrats are in a constant war with the reality they have created

Now more then ever we need your help keeping this channel producing REAL content for REAL people

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We’ve documented what seems like a mountain of Joe Biden “gaffes” at this point.

I continue to wonder why he’s running in his condition.

But it may be getting worse in his desperate effort to stop Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and knowing that if he doesn’t pull out South Carolina with a big win, he’s pretty much toast.

First, he didn’t appear to know what state he was in. Unfortunately for him, that’s not unusual.

Then he told folks at a campaign event that he’d been responsible for the Paris Climate Accord and that he met with Deng Xiaoping on it to pressure China to comply with it.

Deng Xiaoping died 23 years ago in 1997 and had nothing to do with the Paris Accord which was signed in 2016.

That was pretty bad.

But he capped it off with a real corker.

He’s running for president, but he told voters in South Carolina that he was running for the Senate.

The South Carolina debate is Tuesday night, the primary is Saturday. That’s where the rubber hits the road. But it may already be too late for Joe Biden.

Kennedy Monolithic and ruthless conspiracy

The truth about global warming

Together we stand

Together we stand

Atheist to Christian Testimony - Powerful!

 Freedom! Can you feel it??? 


Must watch! Steven Bancarz explains how to avoid New Age deception

In his newly released book, "The Second Coming of the New Age," Steven Bancarz explains the demonic nature of the new age, and why it's essential you be aware of how it is encroaching into our churches, and our children's lives.