Amazing Things Do Happen!

Amazing Things Do Happen!

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Amazing Things Do Happen!: October 2019

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NASA's SDO Captures Mercury Transit Time-lapse

APOD: A Mercury Transit Music Video from SDO (10/21/19)
What's that small black dot moving across the Sun? Mercury.

Possibly the clearest view of Mercury crossing in front of the Sun in 2016 May was from Earth orbit.

The Solar Dynamics Observatory obtained an uninterrupted vista recording it not only in optical light but also in bands of ultraviolet light.
Featured here is a composite movie of the crossing set to music. Although the event might prove successful scientifically for better determining components of Mercury's ultra-thin atmosphere, the event surely proved successful culturally by involving people throughout the world in observing a rare astronomical phenomenon.
Many spectacular images of this Mercury transit from around (and above) the globe were proudly displayed. The next transit of Mercury will take place in three weeks: on 2019 November 11. Astrophysicists: Browse 2,000+ codes in the Astrophysics Source Code Library

What's in your toolbox?

My Tool Box

· Go to an AA meeting
· Don’t drink
· Steps 1 – 12
· The Serenity Prayer
· The Twelve Principles
1. Honesty
2. Hope
3. Faith
4. Courage
5. Integrity
6. Willingness
7. Humility
8. Brotherly Love
9. Discipline
10. Perseverance
11. Awareness of God
12. Service
· Call my sponsor or another person in recovery
· Meet with my sponsor as regularly as possible
· Change people, places and things as necessary
· My sobriety is my priority above all else
· The chip in my pocket
· Beware of H.A.L.T. (hungry, angry, lonely, tired)
· Pause when agitated
· Prayer
· Go to an AA meeting
· Meditate
· Set personal boundaries and keep them
· Read the literature
· Service work
· Surrender
· Remember what got me here
· Forgive
· Let it go
· Spend time alone
· Keep it simple
· Restraint of pen and tongue
· Do not take other people’s inventory
· Try not to judge others
· Go to an AA meeting
· Make the effort, especially when I don’t want to
· Don’t give up
· Avoid expectations
· Journal or write
· Gratitude list
· Be compassionate and tolerant
· Live and let live
· I can start my day over at any time
· Remember that some others are sicker than I am
· Know that most people (in recovery) are trying their best
· Don’t take the bait
· Go to an AA meeting
· Do not turn down any reasonable request
· Where and when possible, avoid stressful situations
· This too shall pass
· At meetings -- go early, stay late
· Give out and collect phone numbers
· Meet and greet people I don’t know
· I’d rather be Happy than Right
· Be consistent
· Do my best at all times
· Put away the sledgehammer

"STATE OF THE UNION" — A Bad Lip Reading

Donald Trump makes his way to the podium to deliver his 2019 State of the Union address, while Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi wait patiently...
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#badlipreading #trump #SOTU

"BIDEN 2020" — A Bad Lip Reading

Joe Biden hits the campaign trail before the 2020 election
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#Biden #badlipreading #trump

First Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw

First Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw: First Amendment - Religion and ExpressionAmendment Text | Annotations Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free

Abomination = Obamanation

Obama: I won’t wear the American flag pin because I don’t like how it represents patriotism in this country. Also, we [America] are no longer a Christian nation.

Red Nation Rising
Is global warming real? Have any such predictions been established scientifically? Would massive “carbon” taxes and other controls put America and the world—especially the poor—at great risk?

At this special event, geoscientist and astrophysicist Willie Soon separates fact from fiction in the global warming debate. He explains why the forecasts from CO2 climate models have been so wrong—and why solar influences on clouds, oceans, and wind drive climate change, not CO2 emissions. Stanford University physicist Elliott Bloom then comments.
“The whole point of science is to question accepted dogmas. For that reason, I respect Willie Soon as a good scientist and a courageous citizen.”
—Freeman J. Dyson, Professor Emeritus of Physics, Institute for Advanced Study; Templeton Prize Laureate

“I am writing to express my deep admiration and respect for Dr. Willie Soon, a fine astrophysicist and human being.... As Willie has shown in many ways, observational facts do not fit the CO2 dogma, and an enormous amount of evidence points to the Sun as a much more important driver of climate.... Willie was right—whatever the cause of changing temperature, the main driver cannot be the concentration of atmospheric CO2.”
—William Happer, Chairman, Presidential Committee on Climate Security; Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Emeritus, Princeton University; Member, National Academy of Sciences
Willie Soon is a geophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. He received his Ph.D. (with distinction) in aeronautical engineering from the University of Southern California, and he has been Astronomer at the Mount Wilson Observatory; Senior Scientist at the George C. Marshall Institute; Senior Visiting Fellow at the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science at Xiamen University; and Professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Putra Malaysia. The author of 90 scientific papers, he has IEEE received the Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society Award, Rockwell Dennis Hunt Award, Smithsonian Institution Award, Courage in Defense of Science Award, Petr Beckmann Award for Courage and Achievement in Defense of Scientific Truth and Freedom, and Frederick Seitz Memorial Award.
Elliott D. Bloom is Professor Emeritus in the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC) at Stanford University and a Fellow of the American Physical Society. He was a member of the SLAC team with Jerome I. Friedman, Henry W. Kendall and Richard E. Taylor who received the Nobel Prize in Physics. He received his Ph.D. in physics from the California Institute of Technology, he is the author of numerous scientific papers, and he is the recipient of the Senior Scientist Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. For further information on and to order copies of the Independent Institute book, "Hot Talk, Cold Science: Global Warming's Unfinished Debate," by geophysicist S. Fred Singer, please go here:

The Independent Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan, public-policy research and educational organization that shapes ideas into profound and lasting impact. The mission of Independent is to boldly advance peaceful, prosperous, and free societies grounded in a commitment to human worth and dignity. Applying independent thinking to issues that matter, the Independent Institute creates transformational ideas for today’s most pressing social and economic challenges. The results of this work are published as books, the quarterly journal, "The Independent Review," and other publications and form the basis for numerous conference and media programs. By connecting these ideas with other organizations and networks, Independent seeks to inspire action that can unleash an era of unparalleled human flourishing at home and around the globe.

YOU GOTTA WATCH THIS! Charlie Kirk Totally Dismantles Trump-Hating Student's Argument!

Turning Point USA on Instagram: “YOU GOTTA WATCH THIS! @charliekirk1776 Totally Dismantles Trump-Hating Student's Argument! #ThinkForYourself #SocialismSucks #GenFree #TPUSA”